Your Gateway to Worldwide Radio: Anytime, Anywhere!
The Rieti WebSDR is an all-mode WebSDR (Software-Defined Radio) operating on the 27/28 MHz band, located in Poggio Bustone (Rieti, Italy, JN62KL,) at approximately 550 meters ASL
The USB dongles used as wideband receivers are RTL-SDR 2832U with 820T V3, ensuring perfect audio quality. This makes them ideal for digital decoding, CW/Morse code, and other modes.
With a strategic location and advanced equipment, the Rieti WebSDR offers enthusiasts around the world a unique opportunity to explore and monitor radio signals across a broad spectrum. Whether you’re an amateur radio operator, a digital mode enthusiast, or simply curious about the world of radio, this WebSDR provides a robust platform for real-time listening and signal analysis.