
Do you already have a CB CallSign?

    Yes, I already have a CB callsign!
( i.e. 1RIØ23 , 31AB345….)

Create an account 

Perfect, then during the registration process, enter your callsign and you will be registered!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only callsigns starting with an international prefix are valid on the QRZCB.io platform, such as 1RI023, 14FR456, or 2US123… Callsigns like PIPPO, MickeyMouse, or CORVO ROSSO, or any callsigns that do not start with a country code, are not accepted! Registrations with invalid callsigns will be rejected by the system and deleted!
No CB CallSign, or I’m not sure what it is…

Request a new Cb CallSign  

RadioCB callsigns are unofficial radio callsigns, but they are internationally recognized by the CB community and many DX groups to facilitate QSOs and identify their members.
If you’re not sure what to choose, Radio Italia DX Group can assign you a free international CB callsign, so you’ll have one of your own. Simply request it, wait for our verification, and voilà! 

The entire request process and the digital certificate are free, and the CB callsign will be yours forever. Additionally, you will receive a Membership Certificate like the one our colleague Stefano 1RI055 “Viper” has.


For example, in Italy, a RadioCB callsign is 1RC256 (1 = Italy + RC = Romeo Charlie DXGroup + 256 = registration number).

When you register, the system will ask for your CB callsign, so make sure to enter a valid one! You can also choose one of your preference, as long as it is minimally compliant.

Requests are reviewed manually and are not automatic. Please allow time for our highly specialized monkeys to process your requests.